Rainbows, Potholes & Nuggets of Gold
Rainbows, Potholes & Nuggets of Gold
Happy Thanksgiving Folks!
Jesus teaches us that with God ALL things are possible and that all things are possible to them that believe (See Matthew 19:25-27, Mark 9:22-24, Mark 10:26-28). Psalm 23 says, “The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want.” Why then do some things we desire, need or want seem impossible? Is it possible this is because we block God’s blessings and talk ourselves out of miracles every day? Is it possible we have deep-seated doubts and fears and feelings of unworthiness? Is it possible the fire and brimstone preaching we’ve heard or experienced sometime in our life has caused us to fear God’s wrath more than believe in His love, grace, mercy and goodness? Is it possible that we have so much guilt around asking God for what we truly desire that, even if He were to show up with that in hand as a free gift to us, we’d turn away? Is it possible we’ve heard so many contradicting facts about who God is and what He can/will do that we just don’t know what to think anymore? The Bible teaches us that the blessings of God shall chase us down and overtake us (see Deuteronomy 28:1-3), yet so many live in lack and poverty, sickness and disease! Is it truly possible that if God said it and Jesus did it, we are supposed to live lives of abundance in every area? I believe ALL of these explanations are possible and very possibly the root of our not receiving the gifts and blessings God has for us. So how can we overcome these doubts, fears and negative concepts we’ve developed in our lives for whatever reason and open up to receive from God? Here are a few ideas… Pray. Don’t just pray for what you want, pray for God to open your eyes, ears, heart and hands so that you may see, hear, know and receive. Listen. Often we pray/talk to God without taking time to listen for His response. Prayer should be a two-way conversation, not you talking to then walking away from Him. Obey. Many times, we pray and listen but when God asks us to take action we disregard that part of the entire time of communion. The Bible teaches us we should be willing and obedient yet most of the time we are willing but not obedient or vice-versa. If you feel in your heart God is asking you to take some kind of action in order for Him to fulfill your desires and His plan, take it! Even if that means stepping out in faith despite your doubts and fears. Meditate. A lot of folks shrink at the thought of spending time in meditation thinking they just don’t have hours to spare, but meditation can be as simple as closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths while opening your mind and heart to the Holy Spirit. Better yet, pick a Scripture that deals with one of the current situations or needs in your life and repeat it over and over in your mind while taking those deep breaths and watch God work. Express Gratitude. I know, I know you are grateful but how often do you say it? How often do you say a simple “Thank You” to God or to people? Better yet, how often do you spend 10 minutes, an hour, or a whole day in an attitude of gratitude? Try this: For one hour write, “I am so happy and grateful that (or for) ---fill in the blank). If you don’t have an hour, write 1 page a day or 10 items or whatever, just do it! Once you’ve gotten into this habit, challenge yourself to keep gratitude uppermost in your mind for the day and see what doors open for you. After all, God’s not going to give you something else to complain about. Sing. Yeah you heard that right. Sing a song about being happy. Find a couple songs and play them over and over in your vehicle and in your mind. Here are two that come to mind: Happiest Girl in the Whole USA by Donna Fargo, or Happy by Pharrell Williams (here’s the song/video on Youtube!) I dare you to listen to this and not be in a better mood! Better yet, make up a silly little ditty to express your own happiness, gratitude and praise to God. After all, the Bible tells us to make a “joyful noise” unto the Lord (Psalms 66, 81, 95, 98 & 100) and that God inhabits the praise of His people. Try one (or all) of these simple exercises and see God work in your life. Now I’m not saying this is the cure-all for every problem in your life, but even if all these exercises do is make YOU feel better for an hour or a day…what can it hurt? Something to think about... “Inspirational with an Edge!” ™ "Coaching in PJs" ™
*©2014 Previously published as Pamela's Ponderings April 2014
While listening, well watching actually, a video on YouTube with Jack Canfield, he made a comment that resonated with me – he said he loved the word discovering because it meant “uncovering.” Think about it dis (un) – cover
Isn’t that what we do when we discover or realize a spiritual truth? When we have one of those “Ah ha” moments or an epiphany? In my devotional, Love is a Rose, I reveal how God spoke to me or brought to my mind, scriptures that supplanted or explained each verse of the song. Even in books like The Secret that seemingly deal with “new age woo-woo stuff,” we can find spiritual truth. How do I know this? Because I discover these truths every day of my life in some of the most extraordinary ways! Look back at some of my posts and you’ll see I’ve discovered a spiritual truth or evidence in rocks, horseshoes, potatoes…. More recently, check out the review I did on the movie, Frozen, and you’ll see I’ve even discovered spiritual truths in a Disney film. A song, a book, a billboard sign, a gut feeling or a comment by a friend or virtual stranger …these are all ways in which God reveals His truth to us. Even a comment we make to someone sometimes resonates with us on a deeper level or answers a question we’ve been asking ourselves for ages! Of course, the bible is the best and most popular source of spiritual truth, but if God is spirit (as Jesus said He is), and is omnipresent (which means He is in every thing and is everywhere) isn’t it safe to say He can communicate to us in a myriad of ways? I think so, we just need to be open and receptive and not discount what we intuitively know is God communicating to and through us. Something to think about…. “Inspirational with an Edge!” ™ "Coaching in PJs" ™
*©2014 Previously published in Pamela's Ponderings
Love is a Rose is available for Kindle, in Print and Audio through Amazon/Audible. The eBook is available for KoBo and other online retailers HERE.
A few weeks back I mentioned Kathleen Cameron, a wealth/manifestation coach. In that post I shared her website and YouTube channel.
Today I'd like to share with you some nuggets of gold I gleaned from reading Kathleen's debut book, Becoming the One. Let me begin by saying Kathleen's journey from RN to Manifestation Queen/Diamond Academy CEO is an inspiring one. Like many people who embark on a spiritual/personal development journey, Kathleen found herself exhausted and in a health crisis from continuously striving to better, be/do more. The Foreword in Becoming the One is written by none other than the late, great Bob Proctor. That alone makes the book worth reading! Nugget: Your reality is what you decide it to be in your mind. Sound familiar? Proverbs teaches us, as a man thinks in his heart so is he. My favorite chapter is 3 in which Kathleen tackles the mindset issues she dealt with (and changed) as a "plus-sized" woman. Low self-esteem, non-existent self love, judgment, self-loathing, etc. In this amazing chapter, she encourages us to be our own cheerleader, to shift our perceptions from what those outside of us say and to take back our power by understanding we are not our bodies - we are in our bodies. Nugget: Stop letting your body (physical appearance) be the reason you're not successful. It is a choice to let fabricated beauty (or success) standards in from the outside. The next several chapters go into how Kathleen discovered the power of positive thoughts, affirmations, visualization, scripting, and other manifestation techniques. She gives examples of what she acertained, how she put these processes into practice, and the amazing results she garnered. She puts forth questions she asked herself to get the most out of her transformation journey. Questions we'd all do well to ask and get honest with ourselves about how we might be self-sabotaging our dreams and goals. Nugget: Becoming "the one" means taking responsibility. I am the only one who can change my circumstances. This wonderful book shows the awesome power of our thoughts and feelings-our internal world's-effect on our external circumstances and the work we can do to change anything about our life. I recommend this book to anyone who needs encouragement on their spiritual/personal growth journey and proof that the mind/body/heart/soul connection is real and how powerful we truly are. Nugget: Trust - in yourself and God/the Universe. Becoming the One is worth every penny you'll invest in purchasing it but Kathleen offers a free pdf or audio version to download as well as a 15 minute call to one of her success advisors, to those who simply fill out the form on her website. Read my Amazon review HERE. I hope you enjoy this post and that you'll check out Kathleen's book! Her newest release, The Best of Yourself is on my wish list. Until next time take care and remember.... the power of life and death are in the tongue. Prov. 18:21 PamT
I own a television but since I have neither cable, streaming services, nor an antenna, I watch a lot of movies. YouTube offers many older films free or free with ads and I've rewatched some real gems.
Heaven is for Real is one of them. This 2014 motion picture is based on a true story (my favorite kind!) of Colton Burpo who visited heaven during an emergency surgery to remove and clean up his appendix which had burst. What inspires me the most about this story is the absolute certanity and innocence of this child in recounting his memories of this visit and how that convinced his father, who is a pastor, and changed the lives and impacted the faith of many in their community. An inspiring movie all around so if you haven't seen Heaven is for Real, look it up. If you have, watch it again and let your own faith be renewed. Until next time....take care and remember what the bible says about a little child leading us. PamT
If you've ever read my article, Wealth is a Mindset, then you'll understand why I am featuring this book. I own several books on the concept of wealth and mindset and love them all. I'm sure I will be featuring each one at some point on this blog.
Anyway, I heard about this book through Kathleen Cameron's YouTube channel and just had to have it. Boy am I ever glad I followed my impulse to purchase and read it right away. This book is filled with nuggets of gold and scriptural truths that opened me up to how prosperous I really am. One nugget I took away is a prayer which I have written on an index card and read every day.... The cattle on a thousand hills are mine. The world is mine. The universe is mine for I am a CHILD of GOD, free from all bondage. I am free. I am rich. I am powerful. I am One with ALL GOOD and everything is mine to use. I claim my higest good now and nothing or no one can keep it from me.... As Catherine Ponder says, "no one except me" of course by not believing, trusting and agreeing with God's word that says, "Beloved I wish above all things that thou prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers." (3rd John 1:2) Whenever I remember this I hear Dr. Jesse Duplantis say, "What things? How many things?" ALL THINGS. As I continue growing and evolving into the truth of Who I AM in God, I am learning more and more how many thought patterns of lack and unbelief and half-truths that have been pounded into us our entire lives. I, for one, am determined to be set free from those and live the "exceedingly, abundant" life promised to me. Won't you join me? I hope so! Until next time, take care and be blessed and infinitely prosperous. PamT |
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AuthorPamela S Thibodeaux is a native of SWLA. She is an award-winning author, life coach, and spiritual mentor. About this Blog
I've been on a spiritual quest most of my adult life. In the last 40+ years I've listened to podcasts & interviews, and read books by some of the worlds most popular Religious, Spiritual and New Thought leaders. I've shared the information in different formats such as Pamela's Ponderings in TWJ Magazine which is no longer a viable website. Therefore, some content you may recognize, other will be new. Either way I hope to encourage and inspire you with every post! This film will change your life!
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