Rainbows, Potholes & Nuggets of Gold
Rainbows, Potholes & Nuggets of Gold
I said in my last post I would share information here about things that encourage, inspire or help me on my spiritual journey. Between then and now, I went camping for nearly a week at Toledo Bend Lake.
There isn't much in life more inspiring than nature so my encouragement to you is to make time every day, or at least every week to get outdoors. Listen to the birds and other critters. Sit under a tree and listen to what the leaves whisper or the wind has to say. Soak up some sunshine. I PROMISE you'll benefit physically, mentally and spiritually from doing this on a regular basis. Now on to the second reason for this post.... My next Life Coaching class has been scheduled at Edgemont Healing Center in Lake Charles, Louisiana. DetailsHere. Sign up HERE. Since the class is on EFT/Tapping, I thought I drop a note here to let you know The Tapping Solution's 16th Annual World Tapping Summit is going on right now and it's FREE. In this event you can listen and tap along with experts in numerous fields from Life Coaching to Psychology to Finances and everything in between. Today's videos will be up for 24 hours (until Tuesday evening @ 8pm ET - 7 CST). Check it out and if you want an in-person or Zoom tapping lesson/practice, contact me via email or using the contact form on my Get In Touch page. For more information on EFT/Tapping and how I discovered this healing modality, check out my article, Tap into your Life. Until next time, take care, God Bless and Happy Tapping! PamT
I mentioned yesterday my intention to blog more regularly here and to share books, interviews, podcasts, etc. that inspire me on my spiritual path.
Next Level Soul with Alex Ferrari is one such podcast! His guests range from spiritual teachers/leaders of today to NDE survivors to evidential mediums and more. Like anything we read or listen to, there will be some guests or topics that do not resonate, but those who do.... Wow! Alex's questions are curious and insightful and his laugh is absolutely contageous. If you find yourself with some time to spare, visit his website, or check out his podcast on YouTube or Other Platforms and listen to a few episodes. I promise you'll glean a nugget of gold or two from them. ![]()
Another podcast and host I really love and adore is The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes.
Lewis is another whose podcast guests are educated, insightful and caring about the world and the people in it. His interview style and depth of curiosity and desire to help people know and understand Who they ARE is one of the best and I tune in to his show on a regular basis. Lewis's podcast can be found on YouTube and his website as well as other media outlets. He also has a website, Greatness.com that is a wealth of information on various topics from Mindset to Money and Relationships. I have yet to read his books but listening to, and learning from, Lewis and his guests are definite rainbows in my universe of learning more about who I am as a spiritual being having a human experience. I hope you'll check out these two podcast hosts and stay tuned here for more inspiring books and people to help you along your own spiritual path. Until next time, remember.... Everything in life is 90% perception PamT ![]()
I honestly thought I would be more active on this blog. It's not that I haven't watched or read anything uplifting or educational that I'd love to share. Frankly I'm not sure where to start. I had to dig up my old files to find previous Pamela's Pondering articles and my intentions are to post regularly.
And I Will! Today though, I'll mention two things.... #1: I watched Episodes 1, 2 and 3 of The Chosen at the theatre its opening weekend and let me tell you I was impressed, stunned and shocked all in the span of 3 short hours. I can't wait to see the next 5 episodes first in theaters then on the app and finally when I can buy the DVD's. YES, I am THAT obsessed with this show! Watch the Trailer HERE: https://fb.watch/q3Bq0dN-Lc/ Better yet, wathc THIS ONE! https://www.facebook.com/DallasJenkinsOfficial/videos/337758345907914 ![]()
Secondly is the reason for this blog post.... My Next FREE Life Coaching Class: Discover Your Beautiful Authentic Self.... Feb 18th 2-4 pm
Edgemont Healing Center 1800 Kirkman St. Lake Charles (corner of Kirkman & 10th) LADIES…Do you spend most of your time doubting and belittling yourself? As far back as we can trace, women have been considered inferior to men. The “weaker” sex. What should have been motivation for our protection, has turned into a means by which we are oppressed, and sometimes, abused. Or at the very least made to feel “less than.” Shame, guilt, unworthiness, self-doubt, self-loathing, and perfectionism have been programmed into us from the moment we are born, and if we daresay, throughout our generational history. But NO MORE! Join Author and Life Coach Pamela S Thibodeaux as she takes us on a journey to discover our beautiful authentic self. Wear comfortable clothing. Bring your journal and yoga mat (we’ll be sitting on the floor) and get ready to Discover Your Beautiful Authentic Self! The class is free although donations are greatly appreciated. *Suggested donation $20.00 RSVP HERE: https://www.facebook.com/events/1020376189064076 Hope to see you there! Until Next Time.....Look forward to more interesting, engaging posts. PamT |
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AuthorPamela S Thibodeaux is a native of SWLA. She is an award-winning author, life coach, and spiritual mentor. About this Blog
I've been on a spiritual quest most of my adult life. In the last 40+ years I've listened to podcasts & interviews, and read books by some of the worlds most popular Religious, Spiritual and New Thought leaders. I've shared the information in different formats such as Pamela's Ponderings in TWJ Magazine which is no longer a viable website. Therefore, some content you may recognize, other will be new. Either way I hope to encourage and inspire you with every post! This film will change your life!
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