Rainbows, Potholes & Nuggets of Gold
Rainbows, Potholes & Nuggets of Gold
When I received an email from Hay House that the book E3 was on sale, I grabbed it and commenced to reading right away.
I absolutely adore Pam Grout's writing! She explains spiritual and Law of Attraction concepts with depth and humor in this and her previous book, E2 (squared). Both books have experiments for the reader to prove the authenticity of the Law of Attraction. One in E3 (#3 I think) Pam lists 8 things to intend to see and be on the lookout for. One was a toy from childhood and another was your favorite song from highschool. I couldn't even think of a "favorite" song from highschool or toy from childhood so I set the intention and decided to stay open for some of the other signs... A belly laugh, beachball, and couple other things. The belly laugh was easy to come by from watching AFV and other funny shows. Then, I noticed The Jungle Book was coming on TV and that brought back SO many memories from childhood. I remembered reading the book, watching the animated version, listening to the album (yeah, vinyl that's how old I am LOL!) and dancing around to the "Bear/Bare Necessities." I took that as my sign and happily and gratefully watched the movie version with a real human actor as Mowgli. If you are a fan of LOA literature, these two books should be in your repertoire. Both are filled with rainbows (knowledge) based on the author's and others' experieces, nuggets of gold (wisdom), and invite you to dream big and co-create your reality with God. One of my favorite lines from E3 is, "Something amazingly awesome is going to happen to me today." I've added that to my daily affirmations. From E2, "Align yourself with God consciousness and you can bring about truth in material form. What you think, you create." This quote is attributed to Peter Caddy of Findhorn - a place I'd love to visit! I can't recommend Pam Grout's books enough especially for those who want proof LOA is real and how it works. Until next time, take care and happy creating! PamT
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In Matthew 7:14, Jesus said, “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”
I wonder what He meant by this statement? Ask most preachers or Christians and they’ll probably tell you that if you don’t follow the letter of the law, you’re missing the mark and sinning and just might end up in the place of “wailing and gnashing of teeth.” I’m not sure that is what He meant though. Jesus came to fulfill the law and in doing so, left us with only two commandments…. Well three…. #1: Love the Lord God with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength (Mark 12:29 -30) #2: Love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:31) #3: “That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” (John 13:34 & 15:12) He also exhorted us in Luke 6:37, “Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven.” If our only instruction from the Lord was to LOVE, to forgive and to judge not – why is it that most attempts outside of traditional Christian thought and doctrine are judged and condemned as heretical? You may wonder where I’m going with this…just bear with me. I have some very dear friends who are stout believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. So stout they will not entertain any concept beyond that taught by their pastor and his/her (or even their own) interpretation of scripture. They won't listen to anyone else, read books by anyone else and heaven forbid anything that is not 100% word-for-word in the bible! This they discount or shun and then judge people who dare to question or search. Is this an example of the narrow way or a narrow mind? I have other friends who love God and Jesus with all of their heart, soul, mind, body, and strength, but have never set foot in a church and have not read the bible. Are they wrong in their interpretation of God and who He is? Are they less a “Christian” because they are more open to the SPIRIT of God than the doctrines of men? Scripture was given to us for among other things, instruction (see 2 Timothy 3:16). Ask thirty preachers to read the same scripture and I promise, you’ll get at least twenty different answers. How then, are we to know the right one? Why is it that we are so sure ours is not only the right way but the only way to God? To Jesus? Now I believe whole-heartedly in the Lord Jesus Christ. HE is my Lord, my Savior, my Redeemer, the lover of my soul and I respect His sacrifice as ransom for my life, and never, in all of my reading and searching do I deny HIM as such. But I believe God is so much more than any book (including the bible) can explain, clarify, illuminate, describe, or express. As I mentioned in About This Blog, I have been on a spiritual journey since I recommitted my life to Christ in 1989. I read voraciously and I commune with Him daily through prayer and meditation, not only speaking to Him but listening for His voice and instruction. Do I always get it right? Not at all! But He and He alone knows my heart and how very much I love and adore Him. In John 17:11 & 22, Jesus prayed that we would be one as He and the Father are one. How can we accomplish this? One way might be by opening our hearts and minds to a fresh anointing and interpretation of Scripture, by seeking above all things LOVE, peace, and joy, by sharing those things with our brothers and sisters and by allowing people to seek HIM in their own way. JMHO Something to think about… PamT
To Thine Own Self be True
From birth we are groomed for marriage and babies. Sometimes a career or dream will take precedence, but for most of us it’s domesticity. Even if we pursue those other aspects, marriage and babies always seem to be a huge part of our life plan. How often though do we teach our daughter and/or granddaughter to seek, listen to and honor her soul? I’m not talking about the words of the world or voices of their piers. I’m talking about the still, small voice inside, the wisdom and direction we can only gain by going within. Going to God. From the time I could articulate, my desire was to be a wife and mother; a stay-home mom who would create a wonderful life and beautiful memories for my family. Not a bad dream, but not once did I sit quietly and check with my soul before jumping into the relationships that resulted from that ambition. Is it any wonder the “stay home” part never materialized? Though not disastrous, the results of my choices were less stellar than they could have been had I simply asked…. Is this the path I’m supposed to be on? Do I have another purpose? Is this the person to help fulfill my destiny? No, I just did as my heart urged, dealt with what life handed me thereafter, and devoted my whole being to the tasks, wrapping my entire identity into being So and So’s mother or Such and Such’s wife. My initial impatience to fulfill my “life purpose” ended in divorce. The second attempt was the exact opposite. The love we experienced rivaled that of the best romance novel. Life was a carousel of laughter and tears, adventure, and fun. In twenty years, we had less than a handful of minor disagreements and even fewer major ones. My hero wasn’t perfect. Far from it. However he had my heart and I, his and I knew I’d found my happy-ever-after. Until he died and everything fell apart. I had no idea who I was or what I was supposed to be doing. My reason behind nearly everything I did–the very breath I took–was gone. My purpose ripped out from under me. Over the years of grief and growth, search, and discovery, I’ve learned to be still and to ask, then to listen for and honor the answers that come from the wisdom within my own soul. I can’t say I’ve perfected the process. Self-care, growth, and discovery are lifelong developments. I still get confused by the voices of those who love me and those whom I love, the society we live in and the world at large. I don’t always make the right choice or decision. Sometimes I’m afraid to rock the boat or veer too far from the conventional wisdom with which I was raised or taught. But I try. Which is more than a lot of women can say. I believe along with traditional education–religious and secular–we should teach our children, especially daughters, the art of meditative prayer, to listen to and honor their soul and to be true to their deepest self. Not in a selfish or rebellious manner, but with honesty and truth, kindness, and grace. But until we as a collective whole see the absolute necessity of this, it’s never too early or late to cultivate this practice in our and our children’s lives. Nor does it take long. Studies have proven it takes between 16-18 seconds to change a thought and sustained for that minute amount of time, the brain has the power to attract similar reflections, thereby propelling the trajectory of your day–and therefore, your life–in the direction of your attentions. Start with five minutes, 2 or 3 times a day. Set a timer if you have to. Pick a thought or emotion you’d like to exemplify in your daily life: Love, peace, joy or if your desire is more spiritual in nature, Jesus, God, Angels. Inhale (deep breaths) on the thought then listen to the silence as you exhale. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back to your point of concentration. Before long, you’ll reap the benefits of regular, focused prayer/meditation and you’ll find yourself making time for longer interludes. As you develop your practice, keep a journal or notebook handy and jot down imaginations or ideas that come to you, solutions to problems and even answers to prayer or petition. Most of all seek answers to the most important questions in your life and take time to connect to the deepest part of you. Your soul. Your self. Something to think about... PamT
We all want it, dream of the perfect world, imagine what heaven on earth would look like, would feel like… would BE.
In his famous song, Imagine, John Lennon tried to capture heaven on earth as “all people living in peace, sharing the world and the world living as one.” Skeptics and pessimists tell us it’ll never happen! Theologians tell us heaven is some place “out there” from which we originated and one day will return. Even Jesus said, “In this world you’ll have trials and tribulations.” HE also taught us to pray that God’s will be done “on earth as it is in heaven.” What does that mean? Is it possible for us to have or experience heaven on earth? Will we only experience heaven when our mortal body dies and our spirit returns from which it came? Or possibly when Jesus returns? As mentioned in “About this Blog,” I’ve been on a spiritual quest for most of my life. I read voraciously books by spiritual leaders of our time…. Max Lucado (Just like Jesus), Marianne Williamson (A Return to Love), Dr. Wayne Dyer (A Spiritual Solution to Every Problem), Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations with God)… and all of them offer hope that yes, we can experience heaven on earth! Romans 14:17 tells us that the kingdom of God (heaven) is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Luke 17:21 tells us in the Amplified Bible that the kingdom of God (heaven) is within and around us! So how do we experience heaven on earth? Simple – by choosing LOVE. 1st John 4:16 tells us that God is love and he who dwells in love, dwells in God and God in him. The Bible exhorts us to “seek and pursue peace.” (Psalm 34:14). In the gospel of John, chapter 15, Jesus tells us over and over to remain in LOVE. If Jesus the risen Christ dwells in us, if the Holy Spirit of God dwells in us, if God who is love abides in us—why then can’t we simply, think, do and be love? Is it possible to do this and if so, HOW? How do we go from where we are (spiritually and emotionally) and what we’ve been taught (fear, hatred, prejudice), to feeling, experiencing and being pure, unconditional love? By remembering that love is a choice, a decision and at any time and in any given circumstance you can choose a loving response. But…but…but…HOW? How do we manifest so much love in our hearts, minds and souls that it becomes our first response instead of an afterthought? How do we feel so much love in ourselves so that it overflows into the lives of others? By basking in the love of God for you and sharing that love with others, you become a vessel of Love. You become a vessel for God. And you become more like Jesus. Every time we choose love over hate, peace and joy over stress and strife, gratitude over greed, blessing over cursing, forgiveness and grace in lieu of revenge and retribution, we experience a little more of heaven on earth. Easier said than done you think? Depends on how bad you want it. Something to think about! Meditation Challenge: Take a moment several times today, close your eyes, breath deep and simply repeat (out loud if possible) the words… “I love you.” Allow those words to rise within you, stir up your emotions, and embrace the wonder of how that feels. Then go about your day with those feelings pushing you. When challenging circumstances arise, take a love break and repeat this process. I promise you’ll have a better day all around!
(c)2013 Pamela S Thibodeaux *Previously Published / Pamela's Ponderings March 2013*
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AuthorPamela S Thibodeaux is a native of SWLA. She is an award-winning author, life coach, and spiritual mentor. About this Blog
I've been on a spiritual quest most of my adult life. In the last 40+ years I've listened to podcasts & interviews, and read books by some of the worlds most popular Religious, Spiritual and New Thought leaders. I've shared the information in different formats such as Pamela's Ponderings in TWJ Magazine which is no longer a viable website. Therefore, some content you may recognize, other will be new. Either way I hope to encourage and inspire you with every post! This film will change your life!
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