Rainbows, Potholes & Nuggets of Gold
Rainbows, Potholes & Nuggets of Gold
The question has been posed, integrity examined …. “Do you REALLY believe all this positivity stuff? Do you REALLY believe it can change a life?” In John, Jesus said “This is the work of God, that you believe…” Now I know the Scripture goes on to say that we believe “on him whom He hath sent” meaning we are to believe in HIM. But think about it…. He also said, “Whatever you say when you pray, believe you have received, and it shall be given unto you.” God told us in Deuteronomy that the power of life and death are in our tongue. So to answer the question, Yes, I believe…. I believe Jesus is my Lord and Savior but He is also my brother, friend and teacher. I believe God is the Almighty creator of the universe as well as my loving father who wants to bless me with the wildest dreams in my heart. I believe God is much bigger than the boxes we put Him in, especially those outlined in the Bible. I believe the Bible is the inspired word of God but it has been written by man, filtered through human consciousness and subject to the circumstances and culture of the time. I believe there are depths and levels of faith and spirituality we may never understand but I also believe it pleases God when we try, ask questions, seek after answers, and knock on doors of knowledge. I believe, next to love, gratitude is the greatest asset we can ever aspire to have. I believe fear is our biggest obstacle and judgment and guilt are useless wastes of energy. I believe we can rise above our circumstances and “call those things that be not as though they are” (actually the word here is were…. past tense as in been there, done that…so why is it those things we desire are not showing up in our life?) I believe you can not have a positive life with a negative attitude. I believe, with the help of God, you can create a better life for yourself than anyone in your family has ever experienced. I believe selfishness is the root of all evil and that money is simply a means through which God blesses you so that you may be a blessing to others and thereby build His kingdom. I believe love is the most powerful emotion and we are at our highest level of spirituality and closest to God when we give it freely, without expectation of reward. I believe some people love their misery. They are comfortable in it and although they say differently, they really don’t want to change, but want others to change for them. This is the highest level of selfishness. I believe you can’t change the past but you can change the future by your thoughts, words, emotions and actions of today. I believe the past is over, the future isn’t here yet and today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the ‘present’ and we would do well to live fully in the moment. I believe our past may be a contributing factor in our lives today but with love, gratitude, and forgiveness, we can rise above the pain of that time and life a blessed and happy life. I believe heaven is nearer than we think and our loved ones who’ve crossed over as near as our next thought and if we listen close enough, they will continue to speak to us and if we let go of our preconceived notions of heaven being “out there somewhere”, we will experience it here on earth. I believe life is 100% perception…how you perceive things is how they’ll be for you. I believe with God all things are possible and nothing is impossible to them that believe…. Believe in God, believe in yourself, believe in your dreams, believe in your goodness, believe in your beauty, believe in the power of love, peace, joy, happiness, bliss. Believe God is on your side and wants to bless you and quit speaking the opposite! I believe we “eat the fruit” of our words. Speak negative (poverty, lack, sickness, disease) and you’ll attract those things into your circumstances. Speak positive and you’ll create a better life for yourself and those around you. I believe we give too much of our power to others by allowing them to control our thoughts, feelings and emotions. I believe forgiveness unlocks the door to happiness and opens channels of blessing because when we forgive we become more like Jesus. I believe when you heal your own life, you do your part in healing others. I believe there is no time in eternity, so the reason creating a new life takes ‘time’ is because we let doubt and fear block our good and I believe we talk ourselves out of miracles every day. Now I’m not going to sit here and tell you that I never have a bad day despite all I believe. But I will tell you this much, as I continue to walk by faith (not by sight) and speak words of life and love, gratitude and peace, those bad days or incidents are less traumatic and easier to get through than they were before I understood the power of my own thoughts and words. Something to think about…. “Inspirational with an Edge!” ™ "Coaching in PJs" ™
*Note: This event happened in 2013 but the information is as relevant today as it was back then.* Have you ever asked for and/or received a sign from God? You’re be-bopping along and the solution to a problem or answer to a question suddenly appears in a book, on a billboard, thorough an unusual conversation, or on a marque somewhere and goose bumps rise on your flesh? I love it when that happens! Acts 22: mentions the miracles, wonders and signs of Jesus. Acts 10:38 says, “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.” Jesus said that the things HE did, we should do also (and more). I’ve often wondered if I really have or demonstrate spiritual power. I don’t always see signs and wonders following me so how do I know if I am making a difference in people’s lives? How do I know God is using me and whether or not I’m effective when He does? Mark 16:20 says, “And they (the apostles) went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following.” In Acts 3:6 Peter said, “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” Now THAT is an example of spiritual power I’d like to see evident in my life! Granted, there are times when I feel His power working through me, hear His word being spoken through me and see revelation light someone’s eyes or face while we’re talking. Sometimes I see evidence of Him working during a meeting or conversation, but most of the time it’s after the fact. But is that all…. Is it enough? What about those ‘signs and wonders’ people speak of? I’ve never laid hands on the sick or raised the dead and certainly haven’t cast demons out of anyone. Am I expecting too much or believing for too little? While cutting potatoes for lunch a friend and I were talking and the song “She Loves Me Like Jesus Does” by Eric Church was on the radio. She commented how much she enjoyed it even though she wasn’t a “churchy” person. My answer to her was that we don’t have to be “churchy” in order to have a relationship with God & Christ. I then turned around and sliced a potato in half and… Well you can see the picture attached to this post. Talk about goose bumps! I’m not sure if this sign was for me or her, but the one thing I do know for certain is that everyone who hears this story & sees this picture is blessed in some way. I believe we all have spiritual power and these things do follow us, but we’re so busy looking for the great BIG signs, miracles, and wonders that we ignore or miss out on the simple, yet profound things of God (like His omnipresence in all things and every place.) We simply need to open our eyes (natural and spiritual) to see, and our hearts to receive. One more thing…could it be that our lack of gratitude for the seemingly little signs, miracles and wonders in our lives block the big ones? Something to think about! PamT To Thine Own Self be True From birth we are groomed for marriage and babies. Sometimes a career or dream will take precedence, but for most of us it’s domesticity. Even if we pursue those other aspects, marriage and babies always seem to be a huge part of our life plan. How often though do we teach our daughter and/or granddaughter to seek, listen to and honor her soul? I’m not talking about the words of the world or voices of their piers. I’m talking about the still, small voice inside, the wisdom and direction we can only gain by going within. Going to God. From the time I could articulate, my desire was to be a wife and mother; a stay-home mom who would create a wonderful life and beautiful memories for my family. Not a bad dream, but not once did I sit quietly and check with my soul before jumping into the relationships that resulted from that ambition. Is it any wonder the “stay home” part never materialized? Though not disastrous, the results of my choices were less stellar than they could have been had I simply asked…. Is this the path I’m supposed to be on? Do I have another purpose? Is this the person to help fulfill my destiny? No, I just did as my heart urged, dealt with what life handed me thereafter, and devoted my whole being to the tasks, wrapping my entire identity into being So and So’s mother or Such and Such’s wife. My initial impatience to fulfill my “life purpose” ended in divorce. The second attempt was the exact opposite. The love we experienced rivaled that of the best romance novel. Life was a carousel of laughter and tears, adventure, and fun. In twenty years, we had less than a handful of minor disagreements and even fewer major ones. My hero wasn’t perfect. Far from it. However he had my heart and I, his and I knew I’d found my happy-ever-after. Until he died and everything fell apart. I had no idea who I was or what I was supposed to be doing. My reason behind nearly everything I did–the very breath I took–was gone. My purpose ripped out from under me. Over the years of grief and growth, search, and discovery, I’ve learned to be still and to ask, then to listen for and honor the answers that come from the wisdom within my own soul. I can’t say I’ve perfected the process. Self-care, growth, and discovery are lifelong developments. I still get confused by the voices of those who love me and those whom I love, the society we live in and the world at large. I don’t always make the right choice or decision. Sometimes I’m afraid to rock the boat or veer too far from the conventional wisdom with which I was raised or taught. But I try. Which is more than a lot of women can say. I believe along with traditional education–religious and secular–we should teach our children, especially daughters, the art of meditative prayer, to listen to and honor their soul and to be true to their deepest self. Not in a selfish or rebellious manner, but with honesty and truth, kindness, and grace. But until we as a collective whole see the absolute necessity of this, it’s never too early or late to cultivate this practice in our and our children’s lives. Nor does it take long. Studies have proven it takes between 16-18 seconds to change a thought and sustained for that minute amount of time, the brain has the power to attract similar reflections, thereby propelling the trajectory of your day–and therefore, your life–in the direction of your attentions. Start with five minutes, 2 or 3 times a day. Set a timer if you have to. Pick a thought or emotion you’d like to exemplify in your daily life: Love, peace, joy or if your desire is more spiritual in nature, Jesus, God, Angels. Inhale (deep breaths) on the thought then listen to the silence as you exhale. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back to your point of concentration. Before long, you’ll reap the benefits of regular, focused prayer/meditation and you’ll find yourself making time for longer interludes. As you develop your practice, keep a journal or notebook handy and jot down imaginations or ideas that come to you, solutions to problems and even answers to prayer or petition. Most of all seek answers to the most important questions in your life and take time to connect to the deepest part of you. Your soul. Your self. Something to think about... PamT If you've ever read my article, Wealth is a Mindset, then you'll understand why I am featuring this book. I own several books on the concept of wealth and mindset and love them all. I'm sure I will be featuring each one at some point on this blog. Anyway, I heard about this book through Kathleen Cameron's YouTube channel and just had to have it. Boy am I ever glad I followed my impulse to purchase and read it right away. This book is filled with nuggets of gold and scriptural truths that opened me up to how prosperous I really am. One nugget I took away is a prayer which I have written on an index card and read every day.... The cattle on a thousand hills are mine. The world is mine. The universe is mine for I am a CHILD of GOD, free from all bondage. I am free. I am rich. I am powerful. I am One with ALL GOOD and everything is mine to use. I claim my higest good now and nothing or no one can keep it from me.... As Catherine Ponder says, "no one except me" of course by not believing, trusting and agreeing with God's word that says, "Beloved I wish above all things that thou prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers." (3rd John 1:2) Whenever I remember this I hear Dr. Jesse Duplantis say, "What things? How many things?" ALL THINGS. As I continue growing and evolving into the truth of Who I AM in God, I am learning more and more how many thought patterns of lack and unbelief and half-truths that have been pounded into us our entire lives. I, for one, am determined to be set free from those and live the "exceedingly, abundant" life promised to me. Won't you join me? I hope so! Until next time, take care and be blessed and infinitely prosperous. PamT |
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About this Blog
I've been on a spiritual quest most of my adult life. In the last 40+ years I've listened to podcasts & interviews, and read books by some of the worlds most popular Religious, Spiritual and New Thought leaders. I've shared the information in different formats such as Pamela's Ponderings in TWJ Magazine which is no longer a viable website. Therefore, some content you may recognize, other will be new. Either way I hope to encourage and inspire you with every post! AuthorPamela S Thibodeaux is a native of SWLA. She is an award-winning author, life coach, and spiritual mentor. Follow Me