Rainbows, Potholes & Nuggets of Gold
Rainbows, Potholes & Nuggets of Gold
![]() I know many of my friends will worry that I not only read but am endorsing a book on Mediumship, but PLEASE, hear me out! I discovered Suzanne Giesemann last year when Alex Ferrari of Next Level Soul interviewed her. Alex interviews many near death experiencers (NDEs), and it's only natural he'd interview a Medium. Like many, I hesitated on listening but something compelled me to and I am SO glad I did! If you've known me for long, you know my beloved husband passed away in 2009. After his death, I had several "dreams" of interacting with him. I put dreams in quotation marks because I believe they were actual visits. All three were too vivid, as were their meanings, and I see and feel them clearly today. I even had an encounter with my father after his death that I've shared with many family members and they, too, believe he communicated with me. I also remember my mom telling me that her mother and grandmother - who died 13 days apart - had come to get her one night but she wouldn't go because we still needed her. She woke up on the floor beside her bed. These are the reasons I've always been more fascinated by the spiritual realm than afraid. I have always believed in the afterlife and say all the time that the spiritual realm is "right here." As close to us as our next breath or thought or prayer. If you've read some of my previous posts, you know I love stories like Heaven is for Real and Miracles from Heaven. Even Dr. / Reverand Dr. Jesse Duplantis shares his heavenly encounter as do many other pastors and laymen in the Church. We all have instances in our life when we heard or felt God or our angels talking to us, so why can't we communicate with our loved ones? Something to think about! What I find most intriguing about Suzanne is not only her history (she was Asst. to the US Chief Naval Officer of the US during 9/11 and had a carrer as a Navy Officer for 20 years before) but the fact that she has been studied by Dr. Gary Swartz and is known as an "evidential" medium. Which means she asks for evidence that can't be found in a normal search from her client's loved ones. In her words, NOE (evidence of which there is "no other explanation" than hearing it "straight from the horse's mouth." I've found her to be genuine and have read many of her books but this one, really snagged my interest. Mediumship: Sacred Conversations With Loved Ones From Across the Veil has a whole section of stories from others who've experienced "no other explanation" messages from their loved ones who have passed. Whether or not you're interested in learning more about the afterlife, this book will give you hope in the midst of your grief. I hope you'll suspend your doubts, fears and judgement long enough to check it, and Suzanne out. Until next time, take care and God Bless. PamT
![]() You may or may not realize that I am a YouTube junkie. Ok, 'junkie' may be a strong word, LOL! but I DO love finding and listening to podcasts and interviews that support and enhance my spiritual growth. During my holiday break from blogging, I came across a video with Cheryl Richardson and Louise Hay titled, Transform Your Life in 2 Weeks with THIS Self-Care Secret. I tuned in and to my surprise and utter delight these beautiful ladies were talking about their book, You Can Create an Exceptional Life. I've owned this book for a while and watching that video encouraged me to pull it off the shelf and read it again. I am SO glad I did! There are SO many nuggets of gold in this gem that I just had to share some with you.... *Self Love is the core issue with every body and every thing. Isn't this the absolute truth? I mean, we're taught that love covers a multitude of sin and to give and not count the cost but seriously, how can we love or give to others if we don't love and care for ourselves? *Our thinking either makes us feel good or it makes us feel bad. Another nugget of truth! If we would make a commitment to pay attention to our thoughts and words for even 1 day we'd see the areas in which we need to shift and grow and change. Listen to what comes out of your mouth LOL! *It is the alignment of head and heart that creates the alchemy that gives your affirmations power. THIS struck me straight in the heart! Dr. Joe Dispenza say's that you can say, "I am wealthy, I am healthy" or whatever all day long but if your mind is a mess and your heart is incoherent, those words don't get past the brain stem and into the body to generate the corresponding feelings and emotions for us to embody the change we want to create in our lives. So, how do you get into heart and head alignment? Breathwork, Journaling, Yoga, Prayer, Meditaion and other forms of Self Care are first steps as are, setting loving boudaries and weaning yourself off of the negative narrative of the world. This wonderful book is filled with stories and examples from the authors' lives as well as beautiful affirmations that we can start with like, "Life loves me and all my needs are met." It also has questions like this one from page 105, "What one habit do I need to dissolve to create the {financial} life I want?" I put financial in brackets because this is a direct quote from the book but you can ask this about any/every area of your life and start there to make the changes you want to make in your own life, knowing that when you do, the lives of those you love are subject to change also. I highly recommend you get this book and take the time to really study and apply its teachings so that you can create the exceptional life you desire and deserve! Find You Can Create an Exceptional Life at Amazon for Kindle and in Hardcover and Paperback. It is definitely one worth having and sharing. Something to think about. Pamela S Thibodeaux Inspirational with an Edge! ™ Coaching in PJs ™ ![]() Good Morning and Welcome to 2025! I pray your holidays were blessed and happy. I received this beautiful book on Biblical Meditation from the publisher and let me tell you I am SO glad I did! The author goes into great detail on the practice and benefits of Biblical meditation - slowing down, quieting the mind, hearing with the heart, deepening your spiritual practice and much, much more. Focusing on the things we should "fix our thoughts on" from Philippians 4:8-9, Ms. Tucker gives us 3 or 4 scriptures in each category of thoughts we should cultivate (whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and worthy of praise) with a six-part framework for your meditation practice that guides you into silence, prayer, reading, meditating on and embodying God's word into your daily life. Complete with an opening prayer and surrendering prayer and room to write what God is revealing to you through your time with Him, this lovely compilation will deepen your understanding of the Word and "grow your meditative muscles". I highly recommend Present in Prayer to anyone who wants the blessings of Psalm 1, verse 3 to be evidnt in their life. Until next time, happy meditating! PamT ![]() As another Christmas has come and gone with all the gifts received, large and small, and the New Year is in full swing, I thought this would be an appropriate topic. I’m not talking about the size of presents you received from family, friends or even Santa. I’m talking about the gift you received from our Heavenly Father. Now we all know Jesus was born in a stable and laid in a manger – a trough or box that normally held feed for the animals – but I’m not even talking about that box! I’m talking about the different boxes we put God into… Y’know the Sunday Morning / Wednesday Evening box or the I can handle this box or the God has too much to worry about that box. Oh and what about the Judgment box by which we point fingers, cast blame, or otherwise shun and ostracize our brothers and sisters in Christ? We even use the bible, His holy word, to confine God in neat little categories. Something to think about…. God created the universe and upholds it in His left hand while He upholds every living creature in His right ~ Therefore, NO box can contain Him. So stop trying! There is no-thing too big or too small for God to handle and He loves you beyond measure, so stop boxing Him in with your limited understanding and inadequate imagination. Ephesians 3:19-21 tells us…Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us… So, break down your boxes, enlarge your borders, magnify your vision, and expand your imagination to cooperate with God to be the best version of You possible! Pamela S Thibodeaux Inspirational with an Edge! ™ *©2013 Previously published as Pamela's Ponderings January 2013 |
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AuthorPamela S Thibodeaux is a native of SWLA. She is an award-winning author, life coach, and spiritual mentor. About this Blog
I've been on a spiritual quest most of my adult life. In the last 40+ years I've listened to podcasts & interviews, and read books by some of the worlds most popular Religious, Spiritual and New Thought leaders. I've shared the information in different formats such as Pamela's Ponderings in TWJ Magazine which is no longer a viable website. Therefore, some content you may recognize, other will be new. Either way I hope to encourage and inspire you with every post! This film will change your life!
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