Rainbows, Potholes & Nuggets of Gold
Rainbows, Potholes & Nuggets of Gold
In a previous post I admitted that I am a Science nerd and discussed Bliss Brain by Dr. Dawson Church.
Recently I was introduced to "Whole Brain Living" by Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor and Oh, My Goodness! I haven't read the book yet but I listened to 2 interviews with Dr. Jill on Suzanne Giesmann's "Messages of Hope" podcast and just had to share this information with you! When I do get a chance to read the book, I will post again. Meanwhile, check out both interviews HERE:Part 1 and Part 2. ENJOY! Until next time, keep learning, keep growing. PamT
A few weeks back I mentioned Kathleen Cameron, a wealth/manifestation coach. In that post I shared her website and YouTube channel.
Today I'd like to share with you some nuggets of gold I gleaned from reading Kathleen's debut book, Becoming the One. Let me begin by saying Kathleen's journey from RN to Manifestation Queen/Diamond Academy CEO is an inspiring one. Like many people who embark on a spiritual/personal development journey, Kathleen found herself exhausted and in a health crisis from continuously striving to better, be/do more. The Foreword in Becoming the One is written by none other than the late, great Bob Proctor. That alone makes the book worth reading! Nugget: Your reality is what you decide it to be in your mind. Sound familiar? Proverbs teaches us, as a man thinks in his heart so is he. My favorite chapter is 3 in which Kathleen tackles the mindset issues she dealt with (and changed) as a "plus-sized" woman. Low self-esteem, non-existent self love, judgment, self-loathing, etc. In this amazing chapter, she encourages us to be our own cheerleader, to shift our perceptions from what those outside of us say and to take back our power by understanding we are not our bodies - we are in our bodies. Nugget: Stop letting your body (physical appearance) be the reason you're not successful. It is a choice to let fabricated beauty (or success) standards in from the outside. The next several chapters go into how Kathleen discovered the power of positive thoughts, affirmations, visualization, scripting, and other manifestation techniques. She gives examples of what she acertained, how she put these processes into practice, and the amazing results she garnered. She puts forth questions she asked herself to get the most out of her transformation journey. Questions we'd all do well to ask and get honest with ourselves about how we might be self-sabotaging our dreams and goals. Nugget: Becoming "the one" means taking responsibility. I am the only one who can change my circumstances. This wonderful book shows the awesome power of our thoughts and feelings-our internal world's-effect on our external circumstances and the work we can do to change anything about our life. I recommend this book to anyone who needs encouragement on their spiritual/personal growth journey and proof that the mind/body/heart/soul connection is real and how powerful we truly are. Nugget: Trust - in yourself and God/the Universe. Becoming the One is worth every penny you'll invest in purchasing it but Kathleen offers a free pdf or audio version to download as well as a 15 minute call to one of her success advisors, to those who simply fill out the form on her website. Read my Amazon review HERE. I hope you enjoy this post and that you'll check out Kathleen's book! Her newest release, The Best of Yourself is on my wish list. Until next time take care and remember.... the power of life and death are in the tongue. Prov. 18:21 PamT
ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Coaches honor the client as the expert in his or her life and work, and believe every client is creative, resourceful, and whole. (International Coaching Federation, 2014).
For me, Life Coaching is sharing the Rainbows (Knowledge), Potholes (from Experience) and Nuggets of Gold (Wisdom) I have gleaned along my journey with family, friends, loved ones or anyone who will listen. For example, last week a friend, who is a chef, called me because she’d found a restaurant had “copied” her signature dish and it was selling like crazy. Since she too, is in the self/personal/spiritual development work, she wanted to share with me how she’d handled the situation…. By allowing the emotions of shock, anger, betrayal, etc. flow through until they processed out of her mind/body, and she was at peace. Well, almost. She admitted this might take a few more attempts at “letting go,” but we were both very proud of her response. Being somewhat familiar with copyright laws, I informed her that, although I knew nothing about copyrighting recipes, I did know you could not copyright titles or ideas. I then went on to ask a few questions. Which is what a Life Coach does…. Where is this place? Are they in direct competition with you? Is it possible they could have 1 ingredient different than your dish? ETC. As we continued talking, words and ideas flowed out of me, surprising me with the wisdom! I asked her to think about whether or not she could consider this a collaboration instead of an infringement. Since the two establishments are 50 miles apart I asked, “What about if you respond to the post congratulating them and mention you have a similar signature dish at your restaurant?” This way she is turning the negative emotions attached to the situation into positive ones and directing people who are closer to her to her own wonderful menu. Of course, I suggested she pray and meditate to be sure this was something that resonated with her spirit. *Don't ever take what someone tells you as absolute!* Further discussion and ideas emerged and both of us hung up laughing and happy at what poured forth. This may not be “typical” Life Coaching, but as, “Inspirational with an Edge!” ™ is my tagline, it represented the kind of coaching I love to do. If you’d like a free consultation to see if you would benefit from working with me, use the form on my contact page, message me on Facebook, or email me at: [email protected] Until next time, take care, God Bless and remember.... Only YOU can change your life by changing your thoughts, words, emotions and actions. Something to think about. PamT
We all want it, dream of the perfect world, imagine what heaven on earth would look like, would feel like… would BE.
In his famous song, Imagine, John Lennon tried to capture heaven on earth as “all people living in peace, sharing the world and the world living as one.” Skeptics and pessimists tell us it’ll never happen! Theologians tell us heaven is some place “out there” from which we originated and one day will return. Even Jesus said, “In this world you’ll have trials and tribulations.” HE also taught us to pray that God’s will be done “on earth as it is in heaven.” What does that mean? Is it possible for us to have or experience heaven on earth? Will we only experience heaven when our mortal body dies and our spirit returns from which it came? Or possibly when Jesus returns? As mentioned in “About this Blog,” I’ve been on a spiritual quest for most of my life. I read voraciously books by spiritual leaders of our time…. Max Lucado (Just like Jesus), Marianne Williamson (A Return to Love), Dr. Wayne Dyer (A Spiritual Solution to Every Problem), Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations with God)… and all of them offer hope that yes, we can experience heaven on earth! Romans 14:17 tells us that the kingdom of God (heaven) is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Luke 17:21 tells us in the Amplified Bible that the kingdom of God (heaven) is within and around us! So how do we experience heaven on earth? Simple – by choosing LOVE. 1st John 4:16 tells us that God is love and he who dwells in love, dwells in God and God in him. The Bible exhorts us to “seek and pursue peace.” (Psalm 34:14). In the gospel of John, chapter 15, Jesus tells us over and over to remain in LOVE. If Jesus the risen Christ dwells in us, if the Holy Spirit of God dwells in us, if God who is love abides in us—why then can’t we simply, think, do and be love? Is it possible to do this and if so, HOW? How do we go from where we are (spiritually and emotionally) and what we’ve been taught (fear, hatred, prejudice), to feeling, experiencing and being pure, unconditional love? By remembering that love is a choice, a decision and at any time and in any given circumstance you can choose a loving response. But…but…but…HOW? How do we manifest so much love in our hearts, minds and souls that it becomes our first response instead of an afterthought? How do we feel so much love in ourselves so that it overflows into the lives of others? By basking in the love of God for you and sharing that love with others, you become a vessel of Love. You become a vessel for God. And you become more like Jesus. Every time we choose love over hate, peace and joy over stress and strife, gratitude over greed, blessing over cursing, forgiveness and grace in lieu of revenge and retribution, we experience a little more of heaven on earth. Easier said than done you think? Depends on how bad you want it. Something to think about! Meditation Challenge: Take a moment several times today, close your eyes, breath deep and simply repeat (out loud if possible) the words… “I love you.” Allow those words to rise within you, stir up your emotions, and embrace the wonder of how that feels. Then go about your day with those feelings pushing you. When challenging circumstances arise, take a love break and repeat this process. I promise you’ll have a better day all around!
(c)2013 Pamela S Thibodeaux *Previously Published / Pamela's Ponderings March 2013*
When we hear the word love, we usually equate it with the emotions that represent our thoughts of what love should feel like. Those sweet sensations that make our heart swell, mind whirl and lips smile. But in all honesty, this is where we mess up!
In the society we’ve created, love is a four letter word with little or no substance. And yet, in all of the literature I’ve read over the years by various teachers and leaders in the spiritual revolution…the awakening of the souls of the world… LOVE is the highest and purest emotion one can feel, experience, and become. A Course in Miracles is based on the principle that there are two core emotions: Love and Fear. Therefore anything not based in love is a result of fear. The Bible tells us that Love is….patient, kind, long-suffering, not rude or boastful, it believes all things, endures all things. Love never fails and that perfect love casts out fear. Paul exhorts us to “pursue love” and that no matter what we do for others (or even ourselves) – if we’re not doing it from a heart of love, it profits us nothing! We are told to abide (remain, continue, or stay in a state of) faith, hope and love but the greatest is LOVE. Think about this for a moment! I’ve heard many people say love is not passive but an “active agent of change.” Here’s the rub… Love is a choice. So how do we become a vessel of pure, perfect, divine love? By choosing loving thoughts… love over hate, calm over chaos, peace over stress, forgiveness over judgment. By letting go of our vain imaginations of what love is or should be based on what it should feel like, and by allowing love to rise up within us and control our thoughts-control us-instead of us trying to control it and others by using love as an excuse, a bribe, or a reward. Love is not nor should be a condition by which we measure someone’s actions. By practicing love, we experience and become love. One of the quickest paths to love is forgiveness. The most powerful prayers you can utter is… “I love you, I forgive you and I release you to God.” “But you don’t know what he/she/they’ve done to me!” If Jesus can love and forgive from the cross, who are we to do less? Something to think about... PamT
(c)2013 Pamela S Thibodeaux *Previously Published / Pamela's Ponderings Feb 2013*
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AuthorPamela S Thibodeaux is a native of SWLA. She is an award-winning author, life coach, and spiritual mentor. About this Blog
I've been on a spiritual quest most of my adult life. In the last 40+ years I've listened to podcasts & interviews, and read books by some of the worlds most popular Religious, Spiritual and New Thought leaders. I've shared the information in different formats such as Pamela's Ponderings in TWJ Magazine which is no longer a viable website. Therefore, some content you may recognize, other will be new. Either way I hope to encourage and inspire you with every post! This film will change your life!
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