Tap into Your Life! Introduction to EFT by Pamela S Thibodeaux (c) 2014
I discovered EFT or “tapping” purely by accident. Well that’s not completely true. Years ago my husband sought psychotherapy/hypnosis to quit smoking. We attended a group session and then later, he sought a private session. During this appointment, the psychologist introduced us to tapping although we had no real idea what it was or how it worked and he (my husband) definitely didn’t believe either worked. Added to that, he honestly had no desire to quit smoking. He only tried in order to appease others. Needless to say, with this being my only experience to EFT, and the fact this was unsuccessful with my husband’s smoking addiction, I was not overly convinced this worked on anything!
But as I continued on my spiritual journey with prayer, meditation, angel therapy and other ways of opening my mind to universal truths and spiritual practices, I once again came across this miraculous process!
I will be doing a series of articles on Tapping and how it can work wonders in every area of your life, but first I’d like to go more into what EFT is, how it was discovered and what it can do for you.
How EFT Was Discovered
EFT (short for Emotional Freedom Technique) or “Tapping” was initially discovered virtually by accident over thirty years ago by Dr. Roger Callahan, a psychotherapist while working with a patient who had a water phobia. Dr. Callahan had been studying the energy meridians throughout the body when his patient confessed being near the water caused an upset stomach. Knowing that the stomach meridian’s main (or center) point was on the cheekbone just below the eye, he suggested she tap on it to ease the stomach stress. Much to both of their surprise, not only did the unease in her stomach disappear, so did her fear of water!
After this report, one of Dr. Callahan’s colleagues, Gary Craig worked to refine the tapping technique and medical studies confirmed the accuracy of this powerful tool to help doctors heal their patients.
EFT Defined
EFT combines modern psychology with the ancient Chinese medicine of acupuncture or acupressure. We’ve all heard of the process of having needles inserted into different points of the body to quit smoking, lose weight, alleviate pain, stress, effects of diabetes, etc. Acupressure is the same process but without the needles. Eastern medicine has implemented these processes for over 5000 years. What we haven’t known until the scenario above with Dr. Callahan, is that this process is available to everyone at no cost! If you understand what it is and how it works.
To get a basic understanding, go back to your high school biology class and you’ll recall that at the core of our very cells, we are pure energy and we have what’s called meridians (energy pathways) throughout our body. These meridians run on both sides and across our body, through our organs and are virtually the fuel that runs our entire physical, emotional and psychological being.
When energy gets trapped or frozen, symptoms occur.
How the Energy System gets Interrupted
We’ve all heard of the “flight or fight” response built into our brain and how this causes adrenaline to pump through our system so that we can do outrageous things like lift a car off a child and other such “miraculous” feats. This energy surge is the result of the amygdala kicking into overdrive when we feel threatened or afraid.
Here’s the rub though: Our sub or un-conscious mind has no way of knowing if the perceived ‘threat’ is real or imagined.
So, when you are exposed to some type of trauma that energy gets trapped into your energy system. As a result, we develop negative mindsets as a way to protect ourselves. Only we are unwittingly causing more harm to our body than actually protecting it.
EFT or Tapping is a way to unblock and release “stuck” energy.
This simple process can be learned and implemented by anyone for every situation because all physical symptoms in the body are directly or indirectly a result of blocked energy.
The EFT Process & Points
Although there are numerous pressure points within our energy system (or along our meridians) most EFT practitioners use a sequence of 7-9.
The Karate Chop which runs along the side of the hand from the base of the pinky finger down to the wrist bone. This point is used to identify (or give a voice to) the issue in what’s called a “set up statement.” EX: Although I have this pain in my shoulder, I deeply and completely love and appreciate my body.
After identifying the issue and creating your setup statement, it is suggested you rate your emotions on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest or strongest. Much like rating your pain on the chart in a doctor’s office. This is called a SUDS level (short for Subjective Units of Distress Scale).
Using two or three fingers, tap on the karate chop point a minimum of three times while saying your setup statement then work through the other points, tapping 7 or 8 times on each, while referring back to the issue.
While tapping on The Eyebrow Point (the inner junction of the eye socket or brow bone). “This Pain.”
Go to the Side of the Eye (where the cheekbone meets the eye near the temple although not that far back.) “This pain in my shoulder.”
Below the Eye (on the cheekbone about midway along the eye socket--this is the stomach meridian). “Is so frustrating.”
Under the Nose/Upper Lip (in that little crease between the two). “I wish it would just go away.”
Chin Point (the crease between the lower lip and the chin). “I’m really tired of this pain.”
Collar Bone (the u-shaped points where the collar bone begins at the base of your throat). “I want it to just disappear.”
Under the Arm (about 4 inches below the armpit where a ladies bra strap would run). “This horrible ache in my shoulder.”
Top of the Head (the “crown” that whole area from the place where a babies soft spot is to the very tip where the back and top of the skull meet). “Is interfering with my life and I wish it would stop.”
Once you’ve gone through the sequence 3 or 4 times, tapping each point about 7 times, take a deep breath and rate your pain again. You should feel it has decreased or in some instances dissipated altogether. Continue the EFT process until this particular issue rates 2 or below, or preferably no longer there.
Sounds crazy right? Feels stupid and awkward?
That’s OK!
The good news is that you cannot do this wrong.
No matter what words you use, which hand/fingers you use (some folks use both), which order or sequence, tapping works and can be used for any physical or emotional problem you have.
Other Tapping Points
Inside the wrist.
Thymus point (midpoint on breastbone – vertically)
Approximately 2 inches below the breast.
Bottom of rib cage about the midway point.
Outside of thighs about midway between hip and knee.
Inside of thighs same area.
The Temporal Tap is another form of EFT and uses the same principle with a slight variation. Using the fingers of your left hand, tap the left side of your head from the temple back over the ear to the base of your skull while stating a negative or “non” statement about your issue. EX: I no longer desire unhealthy foods. I no longer desire cigarettes. I no longer have pain in my shoulder.
Note: You can use a variety of statements regarding the same issue. EX: excessive sweets, loads of sugar, gobs of bread, etc.
Next: using your right hand, tap the same area on the right side of your head while stating a positive statement. EX: I am light and happy being smoke free. I am healthy, energetic and sugar free. I am happy, grateful and pain free.
Again, play with this by using a variety of statements. EX: I have so much energy now that I am smoke free!
Excitement and enthusiasm help cement these affirmations into your phsyche.
For more information on the Temporal Tap watch Donna Eden’s video on Youtube.
**Brad Yates is one of the most versatile and engaging EFT practitioners I’ve worked with to date! Visit his website and take advantage of his many programs!**
Award-winning author, Pamela S. Thibodeaux is the Co-Founder and a lifetime member of Bayou Writers Group in Lake Charles, Louisiana. She has over twenty years experience in bookkeeping, insurance and tax preparation. Multi-published in romantic fiction as well as creative non-fiction, her writing has been tagged as, “Inspirational with an Edge!” ™ and reviewed as “steamier and grittier than the typical Christian novel without decreasing the message.”
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